
Showing posts from March, 2022

Future Flipper Review

Ryan Pineda's Future Flipper Mastermind costs three thousand dollars. Plus another thousand in the event that you wanna upgrade to VIP, and see firsthand how he operates all his seven figure companies. That's plenty of coin, so let's break the function down and see if it's even worth attending, shall we? Cool. So it seems like he's hosting one every quarter (so by the end of every March, June, September, and December). Each Mastermind runs for three days in total. The goal of the Future Flipper Mastermind is to assist you learn, network, and grow. “What separates those that fail or flourish in real estate is their willingness to master and keep pushing forward,” Ryan writes on the pitch page. “The Future Flipper Mastermind will give you the strategy and tools that I've learned over the years, to push your real estate business forward. You will be learning tons but additionally networking with some of the finest in the field. That you don't want to miss this...